2020 Vision

The other day Isaiah my son Isaiah picked up his cap and gown for a graduation ceremony that will probably never happen. He has been looking forward to that day for almost his whole life, but especially since beating death over 4 years ago. Isaiah is disappointed, but he also knows there are other positive things coming out of this situation. 2020 was supposed to be the year of perfect vision. . . a special graduating class. What a vision they are getting! They have been given an opportunity to pause and reflect on the world around them. To take inventory of who they are, and who they want to be with so much stripped away.

A high school graduation ceremony is a right of passage for so many, but it’s not just graduations. This year, there have been and will continue to be many disappointments and shattered dreams.

Most of us who live in this country have never had to experience hardship the way citizens in other countries have. We are a truly blessed nation. So what’s happening may feel unfamiliar and overwhelming. I don’t want to belittle any of our feelings, but let’s put this in perspective. Life is full of disappointments. It just is. There are new disappointments every day. Therefore it is important to focus on the blessings. Acknowledge the disappointments, then move on, focusing on all that is good, because all that is bad will pass.

You’ve heard it a million times; Count your blessings. Well, have you? Try doing it right now. Every single one. That is what you need to focus on.

Whatever you feed grows.

If you choose to sit and watch the news, engage in negative conversations, or just sit and worry, it will eat you alive.

It’s time to refocus. Decide what you want to grow, then feed it.

“Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.” -Psalm 30:5b


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