Just Dance

The other day was my husband’s birthday.

This picture is a snapshot of a video our oldest daughter took of me and my husband when we were dancing together (and subsequently shared with friends on Snapchat). It was a wonderful feeling, even though the night wasn’t what I had originally planned in my mind.

I was extremely disappointed that we couldn’t have the type of 80s Hip-Hop (my hubby is from the Bronx. Birthplace of Hip-Hop) party we had hoped to have with lots of friends and family around, but we adjusted and celebrated in a different way. Friends and family got together for a Zoom Birthday Party. It was a time of dancing, laughter, and reminiscing through the music of the 80s.

Leading up to the party, I had many moments that were just upsetting. Nothing seemed to go right, and then it didn’t go right again. Have you had days like that? Days where you are sure Satan put your picture on a bullseye and proceeded to throw darts at it? Yep. That was my day. But you know what? Throughout the whole hour and fifteen minutes of the party, I didn’t think of everything that had gone wrong that day. I didn’t think about COVID, politics, or racial unrest. I, along with everyone else, just enjoyed the music and dancing.

It was a reminder to me that there are many things we can decide to focus on, changing our whole view on life. Obviously we shouldn’t pretend there are no real problems in our lives and in our world, but we can shift our focus. One perfect place to look, is to Jesus, our Savior. It doesn’t matter what is happening. If we could stay in the Word and focused on Him, we may be surprised by the peace and even joy we can find.

Today I simply want to encourage you to first keep your eyes on the Savior . . . and to dance. . . or whatever will help you hit that “reset” button or shift your focus. Remember, it’s okay to celebrate. It’s okay not to focus on what’s wrong. Take a minute (or more) to focus on what’s right. Make the choice to have a good day.

“You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” Psalm 30:11-12


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