Lord Help Me!

I’ve had a very challenging first week at my new job. So, I really didn’t feel like writing anything at all today. I’m exhausted. I was just going to tell you guys that I’m taking a break. However, you have become a part of my life, and so I’m going to share this part of it with you.

Much of the difficulty came in the form of a young girl. I won’t go into all the details, but she is troubled. She struggles with authority and unfortunately disrespected the wrong person yesterday. They were going to send her right back home to finish school online for the rest of the year, and believe me, the thought of it excited me a little bit. I wouldn’t have to deal with the energy or my sanity sucked out of me each day for 3 class periods! I could breeze through the day with the others who do just what they are asked to do, when they are asked to do it.

But I think God may have tapped me on the shoulder and said something like, “Check yourself before you wreck yourself. You are not any better or different than this child sometimes.” 

It’s true. I have struggled with God’s authority. I have talked back. I have literally, and out loud told God I wasn’t going to do what He wanted me to do. So disrespectful! If He was human, I would have certainly challenged His sanity. 

He has forgiven me over and over. He has given me chance after chance. He keeps working with me, seeing all the potential I have to be who He created me to be. That’s what I saw in this child. She is excruciatingly frustrating, yet there is something I love about her. I see her potential, and I believe she can be a much better version of herself if given a real chance.

So, I asked if she could stay and be given another chance. They said yes. . . and later today I might be found in a corner somewhere, rocking back and forth with tears streaming down my face, but I’m going to do the best I can to love this child the way God loves me. . . and you.

Lord help me.

“But you, O Lord, are a God of compassion and mercy, slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86:15‬ ‭


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