Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

If you have been with me for a while here, you know that I usually like to focus on God’s love for each of us and do my best to stay away from controversial issues. That hasn’t changed, but what I have to share today might be bothersome to some of you.

I have stopped myself from commenting an innumerable amount of times on the thoughts of others I find to be hurtful. I confess, I’m not always innocent. Just the other day I called Americans spoiled brats.

What I meant by that was we (thankfully) have so much freedom in this country that we often forget the difference between our rights and what’s right.

We each have the right to say whatever we want...but should we? Understand there is a difference between sharing your beliefs and personally attacking someone with them. If you are unable to share your thoughts and opinions without the element of shaming or attacking, then I believe it’s important to stay quiet.

In the illustrious words of the rapper, Ice Cube, “Check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

What I have observed, is that regardless of what “side” you may be on, many of us are operating out of fear. Fear of being pummeled by a virus, fear of having rights taken away, fear of being misinformed. Not one of us wants to admit that, but I believe it to be true.

For those of us who identify as Christ-followers, we must remember to keep Christ as our focus. Really, what would He do? What does He say about fear? How would He handle people in this situation?

1 John 4:18 says, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

And friends, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” -Romans 12:8 Which sometimes means to stay quiet. Yes, there are times to speak out, but ask God for the discernment of proper timing accompanied by a loving heart. I have been embarrassed by the show of attitudes by people I have called brothers or sisters.

For those who do not identify as Christ-followers, please do not judge the whole body of Christ by those individuals who do not reflect the love of Christ we teach our children about. Not one of us is perfect, and I beg you to find room in your heart for grace.

For those of you on any side of any issue (Including but NOT limited to Covid-19 issues), find the humility inside of you to know you absolutely do not have the answers. You cannot possibly know if you have the right information or if those believing the opposite of you have it. The only information you can count on, the only absolute truth is found in the word of God. The Devil is a liar and he’s got many of us in a state of fear, doubt, and confusion. Don’t fall for it. Remember, like a lion he prowls around us seeking to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

If somehow you feel convicted by my words today, please understand that I cannot see your heart, only God can so I do not claim to know what’s going on inside of you. I only recognize ugliness when shown through specific actions. Conviction comes from within, not from the likes of me.

The most important thing to do right now, is love and respect each other beyond our “rights.” Jesus certainly loved us far beyond His own rights, when He died on the cross for people like us.

Be blessed and be kind.


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