Hard-wired for each other

It happened again. I learned some stuff.

It was during book club (Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen). While we were talking, I realized there is still an issue I struggle with. I continue to tell you all not to believe the lies the evil one is feeding you, but it has become a problem for me. My friend Beth explained it so well when she compared it to a person with anorexia. No matter what they are told, they continue to see something other than the truth when they look in the mirror. They have a dysmorphic view of their bodies. It takes ongoing therapy to change their distorted beliefs and thoughts about themselves. 

The same is true concerning the lies I believe about myself. Lately, it doesn’t matter what positive words I am given, I struggle to believe them. 

“They are just saying that because they love me.” 

“They don’t want to hurt my feelings.”

“They are just a really encouraging and positive person.”

“They probably need something from me.”

Here’s what I realized about this faulty thinking. It really had not been such a problem for me until living in “isolation” for the last two months. Isolation is a violation of our nature. We were each created for community… hard-wired for relationships. I knew I needed people, but I didn’t realize this isolation was leaving me alone with spiraling thoughts that were never an issue before. 

The most powerful weapon to combat this problem is relationships. Face to face, time spent, real, honest friendship. I believe I am struggling because I haven’t been face to face with friends who speak truth into my life. Maybe that’s an issue you are having too. Maybe it’s not something that sprung up in the last couple of months. Maybe that has always been an issue for you.

Because our physical proximity has changed, we are going to have to make adjustments. We must be more intentional about our friendships. Pick up the phone or type a message, and share those spiraling, negative thoughts you are having with a friend. Once you speak them out loud or type them out, it will either reduce or remove the power they have over you. Allow your friend (or someone you want to build a friendship with) to speak truth into your life as God intended. Then do the same for them.

If you don’t feel you have someone you can do that with, please know, I would love to be that person for you. Know that I sit here without judgment, and full of love for you.

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” -‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬


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