White As Snow

The other day, after working in the yard I came in to wash my super dirty hands. I noticed how dirty the suds were as I rubbed my hands together increasing the brown lather with every swipe. 

Obviously I would have to wash my hands more than once to get them clean. I rinsed the dirty suds, then pumped the hand soap for another try at cleanliness. 

Again I lathered my hands up, which were closer to clean the second time around, but still showed signs of dirt. One more round should do it. The third time was the charm As I lathered up, I felt satisfied with the snow-white suds that finally appeared. I rinsed them off, then noticed I still had dirt under my nails. Good grief! What a process just to get my hands clean. I was slightly irritated by how long it was taking to be clean again.

It’s exactly how I feel when there is something in my life I need to clean up or change. . .  A sin or a bad habit I seem to get a handle on, then realize at some point, it’s still a struggle. Even when I feel like I’m on top of it, there are often still little things under the surface I need to work on. I always assume, once I’ve asked God to help me, through prayer and scripture, I will not wrestle with it again. However, it takes many sessions, with God, daily scripture reading, and an earnest desire to change. 

If you are like me and get impatient with the process, I encourage you to remember it’s doesn’t happen overnight, and God understands that. It takes time and relationship. Strong relationships, like change, rarely happen overnight.

He will get us there.

“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭1:18‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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