No Longer a Slave

If you are human, and living in the world today, you are probably tired.

Some of us feel overwhelmed. Some of us feel hopeless. Some of us feel helpless. Some of us even feel like giving up.

The last two weeks have unearthed a ton of emotions. Many of which a lot of us had buried so deep, we believed we would never have to come face to face with them again. We didn’t think we could handle it.

I didn’t think I could handle it.

I found myself, for the first time, really addressing the invisible shackles I had been wearing for so long. I finally admitted I was a slave. Not a literal slave, but a slave to negative or faulty thoughts and actions that were holding me captive. Some of the negative thoughts were those I inflicted upon myself, and some were forced upon me by others. Regardless of where they came from, I remained in psychological enslavement.

I recently learned from Dr. Paul Tripp, “As human beings, we don’t live life based on the facts of our experience, but based on our interpretation of the facts.”

I believe this may be why we get so caught up, then stuck on many of the issues we are dealing with today. It’s why we have difficulty acknowledging or believing someone else’s interpretation of the facts may be valid. Many of us have become slaves to our own interpretations.

If you too are enslaved by something in your life. May it be an addiction, post-traumatic stress, low self-worth, hopelessness, abuse, negative thoughts, or simply faulty thoughts (interpretations), etc., I have a story for you.

Slaves in the Bible times were different from the slaves brought to America in 1619. Most were closer to contract workers like we have today. They were hard laborers, educators, personal advisors; they filled all occupational positions. Some became slaves to pay off a debt. By law, they were to be fed, clothed, and sheltered. Some saved up enough money to eventually buy their own freedom.

Now here’s the really cool part.

There were many times when a slave became a trusted friend and companion. If he also had a good sense of business, he would be adopted into a family as a son. Under their legal system, sons had permission (power of attorney) to conduct business on their father’s behalf.

What?! The slave became family?

Pay attention to Galatians 4:4-7. "But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that He could adopt us as His very own children. And because we are His children, God has sent the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir."

Jesus bought our freedom already. It’s paid for. So many of us have been walking around in shackles, even though our freedom was purchased a long time ago. We either never knew, forgot, or chose to remain enslaved.

Yeah, we have a choice.

He not only paid for our freedom, but He also adopted us into His family.

When we choose to be part of God’s family, we immediately have access to our inheritance. That includes hope, peace, security, truth, acceptance, love, freedom... and when we are done here, Heaven.


“There is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” (Romans 8:1)

I literally feel like jumping out of my skin right now as I share that with you. It’s such good news! Believe it or not, although I have known so much of the Word all my life, it has been just in the last week that I realized how much I was allowing to keep me in shackles. I now choose to be free.

Because I’ve made that choice, I am shifting my own reality. Author Dawson Church says, “You’re shifting reality for the whole human species. You’re adding to the sum of kindness and compassion in the world. You’re reinforcing that new reality field... You’re helping transform it into an irresistible force that turns the tide of history.”

“In other words,” as Jennie Allen says, “...we all have contagious minds.”

Today I invite you to choose freedom, become contagious, and change history.

NOTE: Here is a recommended playlist from my oldest daughter, pertaining to the message.

Thank you for being here today. If would love to hear from you, and I invite you to be a part of this conversation. Please comment below.  If there is anything I have shared that you believe others can benefit from, please share with as many people as you can. I love making this journey with you.


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