The World is Watching

As Christ-followers we are called to stand out and look different from the rest of the world.

I see that happening, but not always in a positive way. It grieves me. I beg every person whose eyes land on this message to take time to ask God to show you where in your heart things need to change. I know that I know that I know we can help make a change in this country if we start with ourselves. It may not be comfortable, but it will be worth it for every single one of us.

Here are some powerful words I read the other day in my devotional book.

“GOD IS LOOKING FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHOSE HEARTS ARE FIRMLY fixed on Him and who will continually trust Him for all He desires to do with their lives. God is ready and eager to work more powerfully than ever through His people, and the clock of the centuries is striking the eleventh hour.

The world is watching and waiting to see what God can do through a life committed to Him. And not only is the world waiting but God Himself awaits to see who will be the most completely devoted person who has ever lived; willing to be nothing so Christ may be everything; fully accepting God’s purposes as his own; receiving Christ’s humility, faith, love, and power yet never hindering God’s plan but always allowing Him to continue His miraculous work. C.H.P

“There is no limit to what God can do through you, provided you do not seek your own glory.”

You are so important to the Creator. He has given you specific gifts He intended for you to use in order to grow His Kingdom in love. This is a call to action. You were created for such a time as this!

Join me in prayer as we each gain the courage to become the people God created us to be.


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