Glorious Destiny

This Covid thing has us twisted. Many of us have lost the vision for our lives we once had. Darkness and despair are hovering over our heads, and depression and suicide are on the rise. I know it’s not something people like to talk about, but are you struggling? When it’s difficult to foresee any kind of recognizable future, it can be easy to fall into hopelessness. It can also be easy to fall back into failures of the past. That’s exactly where the evil one wants us. Stuck.

Today I am speaking to someone out there who is having a hard time knowing and believing they have value.

Allow me to me remind you that you have been called to greatness. Yes, YOU. All the gifts God has given you have been trusted to you to use for your good and His glory. So use them! You are enough because He lives inside of you. He knows your name. He knows exactly who you are. He even knows how many hairs you have on your head (Luke 12:7), and He loves you deeply. God doesn’t care what you’ve done or how broken you think you are. People like you are His favorites. He’ll take your mess and turn it into a message!

Do not let your past keep you from a brilliant future.

Do not let your circumstances, other people, or even your own choices determine who you are going to be. God can redeem all of it and use it for good.

“I have swept away your sins like a cloud. I have scattered your offenses like the morning mist. Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.” ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭44:22‬ ‭


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