Good News, Bad, News

This quote spoke to me as I am continually having to push myself into my calling.

We’ve talked about this before. Each one of us has a calling on our lives that is unique to each individual person. Sometimes that calling makes us stand out from others and may often make us feel like the odd one out. If you are anything like me, you may have felt “less than” the rest of them, or maybe just really uncomfortable with who God made you to be.

I learned very quickly in life, I was not only different from those around me because I was usually the only one with brown skin, but different because I seemed to process the world around me differently than most. I was blessed with a group of girlfriends in my last two years of high school who got me...and even when they didn’t, they just loved and accepted me in all my goofy glory.

As an adult, it has been much more difficult. I very often second guess my gifts and my purpose. I’ve had well-meaning friends try to steer me into a direction they felt I should go, based on their perception of me. When I think about it now, it may have had more to do with their perception of themselves and the limits they were placing on God in their own lives.

I have allowed others to make me doubt what God is doing in my life. I have allowed the reasoning and the logic of their limited view, to cloud my vision of who God has called me to be.

If that has happened to you too, I want to encourage you to stay strong. Be confident in your calling. What God has for you, is for YOU. Don’t you dare let anyone take that away from you! Sometimes He allows others to speak into your life and your calling, but sometimes He doesn’t, and it’s just between the two of you.

Not everyone is going to get you, and that’s okay.

God is great, and He lives inside of you. Let Him show up and show out in your life! You can stand tall and walk with confidence in who He made you to be. Many times, once you do that, He will reveal your “tribe,” your people to you just when you need them to push you toward the greatness He has planned for you.

It took me over 40 years to find that tribe. I wondered why it took so long, but I also knew God was right on time. Trust His timing.

“Your own ears will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, “This is the way you should go,” whether to the right or to the left.” -Isaiah 30:21


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