We Are Family

As things continue to be difficult this year, it is important to remember we were created to need each other. When we try to do life alone, it pretty much goes against the spiritual laws of nature, and things go wrong. It is now more important than ever to consider others before ourselves, as we work to get through the rest of this year, and into the next, together. It’s time to drop the pride and restrain our words. When we need help, we’ve got to ask. No one is a mind reader.

When comparing the people of this world to my kids, and how we raised them, I think about the fact that it was never an option for them to fight. Never an option not to get along. We raised them to be kind and love each other. They are not always happy with each other, but when it comes right down to it, they are family, and that takes precedence over anything else.

In His word, God told us how to live together. You and I are family. We are all God’s children. Let’s act like it.

“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” -‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬


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