We Are His Ambassadors

I know I may have offended some of you yesterday, and may lose you today, but I feel compelled to share a few more thoughts on this subject. I am specifically speaking to so many who use Jesus to further their own personal or political agendas.

When posting about various political figures or topics we believe in so much, let’s be aware that we may be contributing to division. What many of us forget (because we mostly hear from people that agree with us) is that not everyone stands where we do. So when we align ourselves with a particular person or party, we alienate a whole group of people… the very people we profess we are trying to reach. Do you see the problem? 

When we align ourselves with that particular person or party in the name of Jesus, those people will not see Jesus in it. They won’t. They will only see us imposing our right to speak against them. 

Yes. We have really good points, but God’s Word has better ones. Let it speak for itself.

Do we not believe the story of Jesus and His message can stand on its own?  I think many of us don’t believe it can. We may be the only Jesus someone out there sees, and I doubt any of us have a desire to misrepresent Him.

“Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

When trying to share our lives with others, which hopefully leads them to Christ, posting articles that support what we believe is not going to do it. Talk to people. Build relationships. Show them Jesus, not an opinion disguised as Jesus. 

“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20

I have been guilty of sharing articles and such, that I feel will support my position, which consequently creates a breeding ground of social discord? 

I do believe there is a time and a place for sharing information, and I am thankful for my friends who have educated me on specific issues, but in our world and country today, it is difficult to determine what information is true. The only thing I know to be true is God’s word.

Do you know what changes people?

God’s love. 

Let’s share it.


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