Your Heart is Deceitful

Oh how I have been deceived by my heart. Haven’t you?

Depending on where we are in life, what is happening to us or people we love, what our hormone level is, how our past experiences color our views... what we feel conviction about is not always based on truth. 

There are times when I FEEL I know what’s right. I feel it deep in my soul… but is that always based on God’s truth, or just what I’ve always known or been taught to believe? How about you?

Many of us invest time and emotions into issues that are not based on God’s word (Though we often believe they are). We often get so caught up in our emotions that it feels like surely HE said it. That’s why it is so important to be still (quiet), taking time to talk to the Creator, and study what He has to say about the things we are passionate about. 

We can trust Him. He will never fail us. 


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