I Wasn't Going To Look

I wasn’t going to look. I didn’t want to talk about it, but it can’t be ignored.
Yesterday. There are so many things I could say about yesterday. There are so many thoughts and feelings I have about all that has taken place. However, for the sake of unity, I will refrain from sharing all of my thoughts. As I expressed yesterday, there is nothing new under the sun. I’ve been reading the book of Isaiah, and it talks quite a bit about the people of Judah. I was amazed to find that the political and spiritual condition of those people looked much like the people of the U.S. today. They struggled with idol worship too, losing sight of the one true God. Today, some of our idols look like flags, parties, our own wants, and people in power. None of this is new to the Creator. Isn’t it amazing how He keeps loving us? Dear God, show us how to get back to you. If you’re like me, you may see these stories in the news and feel like maybe our whole country has gone crazy. If I get caught up in it, it makes me feel bad. It makes me feel unsafe. I’m guessing it does the same to you. I KNOW what we saw yesterday, was not the majority. Don’t believe that lie! Ask God to show you the truth, then fix your eyes on it. Once you do that, you will recognize the true enemy. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. He comes to steal our hope, kill our love, and destroy our peace. Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.” ‭‭John‬ ‭14:27‬ ‭ Do you believe Him? Bind His words on your heart. If you claim the name of Jesus, let your light shine! Choose to be an ambassador of peace. Consider others before yourself (Phil. 2:3). It’s your choice. Don’t get caught up in the crazy. Isaiah 1:18-31 lets us know the Lord will handle things. The unfaithful will receive the natural consequences. That’s not for us to worry about. You can trust Him. Fix your eyes on Jesus, accept the peace He offers, then extend it to others. It’s time for many of us to be still, and remember God is still on His throne. Let Him rule.


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