Search Me Oh God

I have felt so many things about the condition of our country, and the condition of “Christians” in our country over the past year. I’ve been extremely disappointed by so many who have idolized their own beliefs over the love of God. If you are human, it’s easy to do. So, it’s important for us to stop, I mean really stop and talk to God about it. Ask Him to show us, what we have valued above him. I have shared many thoughts and feelings on the subject, but there are some people that express things better than I can. Please read these thoughts I took from ministry leader Lisa Whittle. 

The person who survives this crazy world is the person who has 3 things settled.

1. That you want more for the Kingdom of God than you want for yourself. (Otherwise, self will drive all decisions. See the Bible for consequences/results of self over God.)

2. That you are able to walk strong in this world that seems to have gone crazy. (You’d be surprised how many people don’t think they are able. This is a crucial mental dealbreaker in current and future times.)

3. That you will choose and follow only Jesus, forever, no matter what. (Yes, I’m talking salvation. I’m also talking a moment by moment choice to follow the Holy Spirit and do what He says. Put all your eggs in this basket or none.)

There are a few other things that are really important, too. But these are the absolute deal-breakers.

If you don’t have things settled, I encourage you to settle them, even today.

If we fear losing something we love that much in settling these, we love it over God. And we will live with holding onto it.

Our goals always drive our behavior and thus, our level of courage. Our beliefs even more so. It is simple math. If you are cloudy on anything, being a Jesus follower is the best way to have your life sorted out for you. Things are much less complicated this way.

Welcome to now, where faith is real and Jesus becomes North for our true survival. As He is, has always been and should be.

Preachers, preach. And I don’t mean just from pulpits. You’re up.


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