Change is Coming

The other day, a Facebook friend told me she felt that the more we talk about race, the more divided we become. I explained the importance of talking about it, so we can understand where each person is coming from and what they are dealing with. I later spoke with my 19-year-old daughter about it. She told me she agreed to a certain extent. She believes that if we don’t discuss the issues, they will never go away. However, she also feels that sometimes we focus too much on racism. I don’t disagree. People, especially young people, can be too quick to call “racism” in a situation that does not reflect such a thing. Racism is real and does exist, but we need to make sure to clearly identify situations concerning race. There are comments made that may be insensitive, ignorant, or prejudice (pre-judging), but that doesn’t mean they are racist. Continually calling people or situations racist that are not, create defensiveness and often shut down conversation that could have been productive if dealt with properly. Instead of being so quick to call a person out, we can first ask questions to truly understand where they are coming from. Yes, sometimes it is clear and obvious racism, but even then it’s important to respond, not react. Though I believe these issues will always exist, I also believe it will be better one day. Many people are working hard to change the narrative, and I can already see such a shift. Some feel that racism has gotten worse. I completely disagree. It has been revealed, and it needed to be! Though last year was one of the most emotionally challenging periods of my life, I am thankful for it. It brought a heightened awareness to many, revealing we have some major issues to work on. It was like a major blow-up in a family therapy session. “The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!” -‭‭Luke‬ ‭12:2-3‬ ‭ For those feeling anxious and hopeless. Take heart! Change is coming, and it is beautiful.


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