The Roots of Evil

Friends, we are deeply entrenched in spiritual warfare.


As humans, we seem to be very easily fooled into believing we are fighting for and about the most important things. We fight to say what we want, do what we want, demand what we want. We look at other people who are very different from us, or who believe different things than we do, and assume we are better than they are. We think they’ve got it wrong, so we must have it right.


Sometimes those beliefs are passed down from family members, or reinforced by friends. We often surround ourselves with people who believe just like we do, ultimately tricking ourselves into believing our circle represents what and who is right.  What does the Bible say?


“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility consider others as more important than yourselves.” Phil. 2:3


These issues we have with each other are rooted in evil. I know that is a strong statement, but anything not rooted in love, is usually coming from the evil one. He works in obvious as well as subtle ways. Because we are so easily distracted and self-focused, we get caught up.


Let’s stop for a moment to think. When it comes to getting along, or not getting along with others, what kind of things consume our thoughts? What do we spend time stewing over?


Transparent moment here: There are times when I see a person, fitting a stereotype (in my mind), and I sometimes assume they are not a good person. I assume what type of house they live in, car they drive, who they hang out with, and who they voted for. I am not proud to admit it, but it happens sometimes. I know it’s wrong and I must take it to God.


Depending on my mood, I sometimes just roll around in those faulty thoughts, until I am agitated and needing to repent.  I know I am not alone in this.


It’s a spiritual issue at its root. When I live out Phil. 4:8, I don’t struggle with my thoughts about others. When my thoughts are saturated in who God says we are, I can only see others as a brother or sister.


We are all God’s children.




It’s time to fight the real enemy.




(“She Writes for Him: Black Voices of Wisdom” coming 3/16/2021 Pre-order on Amazon today)



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