God Never Intended For Us to Live This Way

Yesterday I received a comment from a follower, and I feel compelled to address it with all who are willing to listen.

I hope you all know when I share these thoughts and feelings, there is no anger or malice behind them. Just a strong desire to find ways to love each other better. Sometimes it takes difficult truths to do that.

“Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.” -‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:15‬ 

I know the issue of racism makes people uncomfortable, and it should. God never intended for us to live this way. So I hope we will work through this together and maybe we won't have to keep having the same conversation years from now.

Yesterday I quoted Amos 5:24, and received a comment about my choice. They pointed out, if I read all of Amos 5, I can see it’s not about justice for us, it’s God’s justice. That too often we are worried about what we want, not what God is doing. They explained that God was speaking through Amos about how people were more concerned about how others viewed them than what was in their hearts, and God was tired of Israel worshipping false idols. They also believe race is becoming an issue Satan is using to distract us from God. He warned me not to let it ruin the work God is doing through me.

Though I can appreciate what they were saying and agree to a certain extent, I need to point out a few things. This is not simply about what black people want, but humans who want fair and equal treatment. Every one of us does. Since we are all equal in God’s eyes, He expects us to treat each other that way. I think what many people don’t realize is that this is not just becoming an issue. It has been an issue in this country for hundreds of years. These are things we have been living with our whole lives, but are now speaking out more because others seem more willing to listen. 

I know many Christians want to say all we need to do is love each other, but the reality is, many people are struggling to do that. What should be, and what actually is are two very different things.

Unfortunately, these issues must be hashed out before they can get better. God calls us to examine our own hearts (Lamentations 3:4) and not just that, but when we find something that is not in line with who He has called us to be, we must change it. The issue is ultimately a heart issue and one of the symptoms is racial unrest. Our hurts are His hurts, and He cares about the pain of every single one of His people.

When I read all of Amos 5, it absolutely speaks to me concerning all that is going on in our country today. Power, specifically white power, has become an idol to many. I don’t think most people realize or intend for that to be the case, but if one takes time to break down why we are even here today, they will see it.

I do believe God has called me to speak on this issue. I will keep speaking until He tells me to be quiet. I do not intend for race issues to be the focus of my ministry, but I will continue to share my thoughts and feelings as they come.

Here’s what I know. Talking about race issues is not what divides us. Not talking about it, and pretending it doesn’t exist, absolutely divides us. Jesus dealt with the tough issues lovingly and head-on, and we can too.


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