
I don’t usually pay much attention to stories having to do with celebrities, much less find a spiritual application for them, but this one jumped out at me as I logged onto Facebook yesterday.

This man, Michael Costello said that he is not okay and may never be okay, but he’s choosing to speak his truth. 

When I read that, I said out loud, “No! You will be okay. You will not let her do that to you!” 


Let me first say that bullies exist in the world. They should be called out and corrected. Whatever Chrissy Teigen did or said to hurt him is not okay, and it is necessary and important for Michael to speak his “truth” about it. The problem I have with this situation is that he’s given her such power over his life (to the point he would end it) and needs to take that back! 


What we’ve got to understand about mean people (or people who act mean sometimes) is that they are broken. They’ve got wounds they are trying to heal by inflicting the pain they feel upon others. See them for who they are. BROKEN.


Many of us have been hurt by others and may still live with that pain. It’s crucial we acknowledge what has been done and deal with it.  But, we must do everything in our power—hold on, let me flip that around—We must do everything in God’s power to turn that around and find healing. 


Many of us have wounds so deep we feel they might never heal, but I know a risen Savior who died to set each one of us free. The power that raised Jesus from the dead is the same power that can heal every kind of wound regardless of how deep. That is our truth. Can I get a witness?


I do believe Jesus may work through therapy or medication sometimes, but ultimately we’ve got to surrender to the Creator. He’s the only one who should have that kind of power over our lives. Hand it over to Him.


Ask God for eyes to see what He sees. When we are able to see people and situations for what they are, everything changes. Know who the real enemy is and take him down.


“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Ephesians 6:12


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