Jesus Took Care Too

Last week we talked about matters of mental health and what God has to say. 

If you are a Christ-follower and struggle with mental health, please understand that doesn’t mean you are not strong in your faith.

That doesn’t mean you are not strong.

This world isn’t as God intended it to be. When sin entered the world, everything changed. The evil one declared war on the hearts and minds of God’s people. We still fight that battle each day.

One of the weapons we use to fight is self-care. Caring for our mental, emotional, and physical health is not selfish. It’s necessary.  Jesus gave us examples of self care. ‭‭Luke‬ ‭5:16 says, “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” 

True self-care brings us back to God. He is the one who fulfills us and brings us to a place of peace. In order to get to that place, there are sometimes things we need to do first.

Self-care means different things for different people. It means to rest. It means to go away somewhere. Spend time at a spa. It could mean saying no, or walking away. It’s drawing boundary lines. It’s sharing your thoughts and feelings. It’s eating and sleeping well. It’s taking medicine that helps. list is endless. Self-care is whatever we need to maintain the proper mental, physical, emotional and most importantly, spiritual health.

“After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church—” (‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:29‬ )

Prayer is a part of our health, but so many of us have mistakenly been told that we should be able to pray away mental illness. Now, I believe that God is able, but continuing to struggle with mental health is not a failure of our spirituality. It doesn’t mean we’re not praying hard enough.        It is a result of a fallen world. A world we live in.

You are precious to the Creator. He holds every one of your broken pieces in the palm of His hand. If you let Him, he’ll take those pieces and turn them into a work of art. He can use them for His glory.

You are a work of art..

“For we [you] are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us [you] to do.” (‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:10‬)


  1. Yes, yes. We must take care of our mental, physical, and spiritual health. God provides time for rest. I pray I will be alert to those opportunities for rest. Have a great week! :-)


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