Let Go

A lot is going on in our lives, and we say it all the time—“Let go and let God.”

But I think we need to start looking at that phrase differently. We are often using it as a cop-out, and letting go just sends us straight into paralysis.

Oftentimes, we are holding on so tight to our will that we won’t accept His. It’s not always just about “letting” God. A lot of the time, we should be the ones who move. Sometimes we need to make the decision, or step out in obedience to do something we are called to do but are too afraid to do it. Perhaps there is someone we need to forgive, or another one we need to have a tough conversation with. Maybe there’s a relationship we need to let go of but don’t know how to live without.  

We must LET GO of our own faulty will and TRUST God to help us do the hard things. 

Trust that if He’s called us to do it, He’s going to help us through it, and what comes out on the other side will be the best possible situation, working for our good and His glory. I know it can be so very difficult, but if we’re going to live our best lives, we may need to take some kind of action.


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:5-6‬ 

Friends, trust the Lord with your life. Run hard on that path toward your Savior.


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