Who's the Enemy?

I’ve noticed something about the evil one lately. 

He is REALLY clever. I mean, I knew that. I am pretty clever myself and not easily fooled, but that guy— he knows exactly where to hit me.

This time, I knew it was coming. The Lord has been drawing me closer to Him, so I figured Satan would get into freak-out mode, pulling out all the files he has on my past hurts and failures and work on his strategy. He knows how to get to me through others, and it’s almost undetectable. They don’t even know they’re being used. He often plants lies in my head about who I am, or maybe even who someone else is. Add in a third party to validate my suspicions, and all Hell can break loose. 

He’s done it to every single one of us, and we often don’t realize it. We see it every day in relationships. 

Marriages end, friendships dissolve, fights break out between strangers. I know who/what it looks like, but did you ever stop to think about who the real enemy might be? I’ve fallen for it time and time again. But when I know who the real enemy is, I can find compassion for those he is working through. Sometimes it’s easy to see how he’s done it, but sometimes you have no idea what happened, and a relationship just ends. 

God is the God of relationships. His plan was never for there to be turmoil or strife in this world. We were all supposed to live in the garden of perfection, having beautiful conversations together, drawing closer to each other and ultimately our Creator.

But we all know what happened there. 

So many of you are struggling through tough relationships right now. You might be wondering how you got into the situation you’re in. It can be confusing, especially when it concerns God’s people. 

Let me remind you: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;” But Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10)

Does that clear it up? Yeah, Satan can work through us too. Let’s not be a part of his strategy to separate us from our Creator. 

Today I am focused on praying for so many of you who are in difficult relationship situations. I pray God opens your eyes to see, to love, and know when to walk away.


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