Do Not Give Up

It’s one of those seasons. As I type, I can feel my weariness, but I choose to embrace it. The Lord is still working on me, and that’s no easy task, so I’m thankful He never grows weary. I had dinner with a young friend last night, and she said something that struck me. It’s not a thought that generally occurs in my mind because of where I am in life, but she said, “Sometimes I wonder what the point is.” She was talking about life. You see, she lives in constant chaos. Friends, family, and neighbors die young, and often all around her. She rarely sees the lives around her add up to much. She constantly wonders if that’s all life has to offer. Is that something you have wondered too? I think many of us have at some point. So, I’m going to share what I told her with you, and if you need to hear it, I’m talking to you too. You absolutely have a purpose here. God gave you all of those gifts to use to carry out the plan He has for your life. DO NOT GIVE UP. Keep pushing toward your dreams and goals. You will reach them. Even when it gets hard, you’ve got to keep going. You will be the example and inspiration for the people who come from the same place you do. When they see you make it, they’ll know they can too. Think of them when you feel like giving up. You will succeed because you choose to. It’s up to you. My prayer is that she (and you) will hold on to those words and remember that we can do all things through Christ, who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). Now, I would be so grateful if you would pray for me as I finish the final steps of publishing my book and try to take the advice I’ve given you. I am thankful for any encouragement you can give, as some writing/editing days are tough. Have I told you lately how much I love and appreciate you all? I really do.


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