I've Resigned

Oh, I’ve been so guilty of judging whether or not someone deserved something they had, and it’s exhausting.

I know I’m not alone because you all are humans too. We get so caught up in our own version of what is fair or not that we often lose focus of what God has for us. It’s especially difficult if we haven’t been invited to “the table” when we feel we should have been. 

But seriously, sometimes I have to ask myself, “What would you do if you were at that table? Do you really think you belong there, or is it your pride that says you should be invited? Is that the path God has you on?” Oof. Then familiar words begin to run through my head.

“Check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

I wonder how many times I have missed what amazing thing God had waiting for me or how beautiful what I already had right in front of me was. And doesn’t watching the “highlight reels” of others on social media make it that much harder? Friends, what God has given to others is irrelevant to what He has for us. That includes relationships. We judge those as well, don’t we (Shaking my head at myself)?

My prayer today is that the Lord opens the eyes of our hearts and allows us to see how truly good He is to us personally, and to rejoice in His goodness when it pertains to others as well. What a difference it would make in our lives. How much lighter our load would be!

“I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:12-13‬


  1. I have been so much more content since dropping social media. I miss some aspects, but watching “perfect people with perfect lives” is not one of them. Life is messy, sticky, and sometimes impossible (for us). Wonder what would happen if we were real on social media?

    1. It would be amazing if people could be 100% authentic on social media!


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