More of Him.

Calling all Christians and Christ-followers (I know… but they’re not always the same). Please stop engaging in divisive behavior. Yes, you have an opinion, and you’re entitled to it. Yes, you absolutely have the right to share it, but is it always the best thing to do?

Probably not.

Now, if you have a relationship with someone, and you want to engage in a healthy, respectful, loving conversation about things you disagree about, then go for it.

But let’s keep it real. Most of the people you’re friends with on social media are not people you have genuine relationships with. You will not change their minds by posting those memes, articles, or even actual facts. Telling people that Jesus would or would not wear or not wear, go or not go, will not draw anyone close to Him. 

And by the way, when has guilt ever created real heart change?

Are we petitioning our Creator about all the crazy in our world, or are we quick to jump up on our high horses as if we are the ones who are omniscient?

I have been and sometimes still am guilty of believing I know the right answers, but the reality is that I don’t (except when Jesus is the answer), and neither do you. There are times to speak and times to remain silent, but we’ve got to ultimately trust the One sitting on the throne. 

I can almost picture the evil one roaming this country of ours, like his own personal Fantasy Island (youngins may need to look that up). Some of us are making all of his dreams come true. The fighting, the judging, the ridiculing— His ultimate delight!

What I am led to do is ask God what He has for ME. What He has for you is none of my business. If I am called to be a part of what He has for you, then I’ll accept the honor, but until then, I will keep my Jesus-filtered eyes on the path He has for me, while loving you the best I can. 

We were not created to carry the burden of other people’s choices. We were, however, created to point others to the Savior. 

And friends, there is only one Savior.

“Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow. Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭25:4-5‬ 


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