Shattered Dreams

Many of our lives are very different than we had planned them to be. Many of us have shattered dreams. It’s hard. It’s okay to grieve your loss or what you hoped would be. Your Creator understands. He made you to feel deeply. He weeps with you. 

Some of those shattered dreams leave us feeling broken as if we could never be what we were before. 

But friends, we’re not supposed to be what we were before.

God works through broken people. The Lord can do amazing things through our circumstances. I do not believe God makes bad things happen, but He does allow them, and as He picks up and rearranges the pieces of our difficult circumstances, the picture changes. They/we become something more beautiful than we ever could imagine. 


Our Creator is creative, after all.


Though God saved my son Isaiah from death almost six years ago, He did not heal him the way I prayed He would. However, through his brokenness, I see a beautiful picture of God’s sovereignty. Through his difficult story, Isaiah has made a much larger impact on the world around him than if he had been healed as the world sees healing. There are moments I am sad he still has struggles, but when I look at the whole picture, I find joy, and so does he.


It’s no different for any of us as the Lord works through our losses and shattered dreams. Healing may come very differently than we could ever imagine. Joy may come from a place we never dreamed it would.


Today, you may be sitting in the middle of the broken pieces of your life, trying to put them back together yourself. God never intended for us to do it alone. He is always there with arms open, waiting for you to hand it all to Him—Ready to heal your pain. 

Know that it’s okay to grieve what you’ve lost. However, you cannot stay in that place. Take time to acknowledge your grief, then stand up with the power that raised Christ from the grave and walk boldly into your future. God is already there, preparing the next chapter of your story. 

“Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:18-19‬ 


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