My Encourager

This weekend I had a conversation with myself (inspired by I can only guess—the evil one). It’s amazing how that voice inside of us can lie so well.

I became a bit weepy, as I thought, “I don’t think your words are really going to make a difference. Don’t get too excited about that book. Yeah, God can do big things, but He probably won’t for you.”

Yes, these are thoughts of the woman who encourages you each day to trust the Lord. I have moments that I struggle with these things as well. 

But I have an encourager too.

He is my husband. When I shared my weepiness with him, he told me a couple of stories he had forgotten to tell me before. He shared the impact our story had on some people he had talked to recently.

We were in public, so I stifled a sob. I needed the reminder that God will indeed use our story, and He did choose me to make a difference with it in this world.

I also began reading a book by my friend Erica Wiggenhorn called, “Letting God Be Enough.” The introduction and first chapter alone were a huge help during my time of uncertainty.

I was so encouraged by Erica’s words, as she shared the story of Moses in a way that meant so much more to me than it ever had before. She explained how he struggled with imposter syndrome, and did not feel worthy or able to do what the Lord called him to do. God was patient, and helped him accomplish the practically impossible. God gave him all of the tools he needed, just like He will give us. In fact, most likely, we’ve had them for a long time. We just have to trust Him enough to put them to use.

I am no different from Moses, and neither are you. God would never call us to do something He wasn’t prepared to walk us through. We all have different assignments He’s given us, and they are equally important. 

It’s important that we trust His plans. 

So I come to you this morning, beginning a new week, with a renewed confidence in our Lord. It’s not about me. It’s all about Him, and I choose to trust Him. 

It’s okay to have times of uncertainty, as long as we come back to believe that our God is who He says He is, and can do what He says He can do in and through you and me.

He is for you.

So we can say with confidence, “The LORD is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me? Hebrews 13:6


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