Your Heart is Deceitful

Someone today is struggling to understand why things aren’t going the way they thought they would. You’ve done all you know how to do to make it right, and you continue to be disappointed.

Trust me when I say, your plans are not the best ones.

I’ve learned that when I try to go ahead of the Lord and “fix” things the way I think they should be, I tend to mess them up. In the past, I have even tried to fix people, thinking I know what’s best for them and their place in my life. But I’ve learned that only God can do that. As hard as it can be, our job is to love people. His job is to do the fixing. 

The world tells us to fight for our rights, follow our hearts, speak our truth. But Exodus 14:14 says, “The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.” Oh, that’s hard! Stay calm? Follow His word? Bite my tongue? That’s the opposite of what I want to do. But if I say that I trust Him and acknowledge that the Lord’s ways are higher than mine, I will be obedient. 

This world is a mess, and things are not working well in our current mode of operation. Not much has worked according to our own plans. So how about we look to the One whose ways are higher than ours?

Today I encourage you to do something that may feel really uncomfortable at first. It’s almost hard for me to say it because I know it might make you uncomfortable. But, God did not call us to lead a comfortable life. So here it goes; 


Yeah. That word. It’s not something most of us are used to doing, but I promise that when you surrender to the Lord and His will, you will find freedom like you’ve never felt before. The angst and the pressure you feel will begin to disappear, and hope and trust will become clear and attainable. 

What is He asking you to surrender today?


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