Wandering in the Wilderness

The man who does not permit his spirit to be beaten down and upset by dryness and helplessness, but who lets God lead him peacefully through the wilderness, and desires no other support or guidance than that of pure faith and trust in God alone, will be brought to the Promise Land. -Thomas Merton

Does anyone feel like they are wandering through the wilderness? I’m guessing that many of us are feeling that way right about now. When our pastor shared that quote yesterday, I thought of my own situations that have had me feeling like a wanderer for years. I thought of so many of you still waiting on God’s promises.  Maybe it’s a loved one you are waiting to come back to the right path, a marriage broken, dreams shattered. Whatever it is, you’ve been in that desert waiting so long that maybe you feel as if God has forgotten you.

Even though it feels like you are wandering alone in that desert, I want to remind you that the Lord will never ever leave you. He is rearranging the universe around you for your good and His glory, and teaching you lots along the way (if you let Him).

Did you know that it should have only taken 11 days for the Israelites to reach the Promise Land? Yep. But because they walked in fear instead of faith, because they were disobedient to their Creator, because they were rebellious, because they traveled with a herd mentality, among other things, it took them 40 years to get to the land they were promised.

Is any of that familiar to you? Unfortunately, I have fit that description more times than I’d like to admit. If we trust the Lord and seek his will, then when we are ready- when we along with the universe has been arranged just right, we will reach our Promise Land.

“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

Today, I encourage you to put on your traveling hat. For some of us the road is long. Don’t stop trusting the Lord. He is with you every step you take.

He is for you.


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