
 Do you know the discomfort of being judged? 

I’ve thought a lot about it lately. Sometimes it’s based on truth in our lives and sometimes it’s only based on perception. Because being judged has made me feel bad, I decided to explore my own part in judgment. I, like all of us, am often on the judging side.

The last few years have revealed chronic issues of judgment not only in the world but in my own heart.

Where does it come from?

What I’ve determined is that it derives from our own insecurities. It comes from all the ways we compare ourselves to others. We want to feel good or better about ourselves, so we mentally put someone in a position “below” us in order to feel good about the decisions we make. We want to feel good about our choices and subconsciously often look to others as a gauge. 

How is it that so many of us truly believe we know what the very right thing is for everyone else? I mean, I can look back even in recent times when I believed I knew better than someone else for their life. True, many of us are capable of good judgment when it comes to some things, but there are times when we’ve got to step back and understand that regardless of what circumstances look like in people’s lives, only the Lord sees the heart. Only the Lord sees the whole picture.

“The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

I’m asking Christ-followers. Who are we to tell someone else that what they believe God has for their life, is not what He has for their lives. Why do we get so caught up in the choices others make, that it allows us to sin through gossip, judgment, slander, or hurtful actions?

“You may think you can condemn such people, but you are just as bad, and you have no excuse! When you say they are wicked and should be punished, you are condemning yourself, for you who judge others do these very same things.” Romans 2:1

My hope is that each of us can be so connected to the will of our Father for our own lives, that we become less distracted by the thoughts and choices of others, focusing on the love the Creator has for us and that we can convey to others.


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