Cry, Scream, Stop!

This can be a difficult time of year for many of us.

It may be especially hard considering all that has occurred over the last two years. So much loss. So much confusion. So much disappointment. I think many of us as Christians often feel guilty when we struggle to deal with hardships in our lives. Has anyone ever told you that you shouldn’t be stressed or upset about something you are going through because you are a Christian? Have you ever been made to feel that you lack faith when you get emotional over something tough?

Well, just because we believe God- just because we trust Him, doesn’t mean we are immune to the emotions that come along with hard things. It’s okay to be sad or upset. 

Jesus wept (John 11:35). 

So go ahead and cry, scream, stomp. 

Then, dry your face, take a deep breath and remember that the Lord is with you on this journey. Trust that He goes before you each day. He is prepared and ready to fight your battles right beside you. He never promised it would always be easy, but remember He said in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Hold your head up high and remember the battle is already won. You are not alone.

He is for you.


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