Go Deeper

 Anyone struggling with anxiety?

I have struggled with it quite a bit. Then, I realize that forgetting to bring all of my anxiety-inducing problems to God, is a big part of the problem. Yesterday I talked about living in endurance mode. Part of that is taking all of the difficult things, and trying to wait them out. 

If I really think about it, I may have subconsciously believed that struggling is just part of the journey and that I need to suck it up, because Jesus went through way more than I ever will. 


But, “Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) 

He never intended for us to hold onto them.

Sometimes we don’t bother saying anything to God because, well, He knows what’s happening. He can change it if He wants to. So we sit paralyzed—enduring!

Is that familiar to anyone?

Though He could whisk our struggles away at any time, part of the journey, part of our relationship with the Creator is rooted in communication. It is rooted in prayer. How do we know that God has answered our prayer if we haven’t even talked to Him—if we haven’t invited Him in. We could convince ourselves that it was just chance. 

The Lord wants us to know what He’s done. He wants us to trust Him as a provider.

I’ve thought about the disciples in Luke 5. They had been fishing all night and day and still hadn’t caught anything. Jesus showed up and told them to try again in deeper water. They did what He said and found their nets overflowing with fish. Now of course Jesus could have simply blessed them with fishing success anytime, whether He was around or not, (maybe a perk of being a friend of Jesus), but His presence was/is of the utmost importance. 

Jesus desires to present in our lives. He wants to do life with us. He wants us to share our struggles with Him. We can believe He will meet our needs. We can believe He is the God of miracles. We can ask Him for the impossible. We must also remember that miracles don’t always happen the way we imagine. He is far more creative than we will ever be. But we can still trust God with our hopes and dreams. We can go deeper.

Trust Him with everything. He is for you.


  1. Amen. Trust in Him. I have dealt with anxiety for many years. I am thankful for the wisdom and knowledge God gives to doctors. I'm praying for you.

    1. Yes, it is a struggle particularly in our world today, yet God is sovereign.


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