God With Us.

Have you ever experienced a lonely season? Have you ever struggled to find hope?

I’ve been thinking about how sometimes, even when we are surrounded by people, we can often feel lonely. Maybe we don’t feel like we fit in, or like no one really “gets” us. Sometimes we feel like so much has gone wrong that God must have walked away from us.

During this particular season, we talk a lot about the birth of Christ. As early as Isaiah 7:14 we learn about this special human who would one day make an appearance.  “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.”

Immanuel means “God with us.” 

God sent His Son to be with us in the flesh. What a gift! Most of us know what the importance of presence is. We need each other. We need the Lord. 

Even when we feel like we are alone, we can know that the Lord is always with us. He will never leave us, though sometimes we pull away from Him. 

In Genesis 28:15 we learn that the Lord spoke to Jacob through a dream. He said, “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

After Jesus rose from the grave he told the disciples “...And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

His message is the same for us today.

There are some things you may have been waiting for. Promises you believe the Lord has yet to fulfill. Allow me to encourage you today. He will not leave you. He will be with you as He fulfills His promises to you. Trust Him and His timing. The Lord sent the greatest gift of hope 2000 years ago, and that hope remains with us still. When you feel alone, when you feel hopeless, call His name.


He is with us.


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