May His Desire Become Our Own

 I realized something just the other day.

I commented that it’s often hard to know whether or not something we are walking into, is God’s desire for our lives, or our own. I expressed the importance of praying for His desires to become our own. It then occurred to me that I hadn’t prayed that prayer in a while. 

So this is my confession.

I never wanted to be a speaker or a writer. I’m not that person who regularly wrote in a journal, dreaming of authoring a book one day. I never dreamt of being on stage speaking to other humans. In fact, the moment God called my heart to be a speaker, I literally and out loud told Him, “No thank you.”

My desire has always been to honor and please the Lord, so, most of what I do has been out of obedience. Contrary to what some may think, I do not love to be the center of attention and I get embarrassed when eyes turn my way. 

So, the other day I said, “If He told me it was time to walk away from all this, that would be fine.”

The fact that those words came out of my mouth, makes me a bit sad. I LOVE ministering to women—to people. That has always been a part of my life on some level. The Lord gave that to me, so why would I ever want to walk away? Because it doesn’t look like I thought it would?

There are specific things God created each of us for that we don’t always grab onto with our whole hearts. Sometimes we outright reject them because they make us uncomfortable. But… it’s not about us. It’s about Him.

So for our hearts to be ALL IN, it can’t only be about obedience, though it does start there. The anxiety I often feel that I will fail the Lord or even you all needs to transform into a desire that transcends anything stopping me from being who God called me to be. Can you identify with that at all? When our obedience turns into a true desire to embody the job the Lord has given us to do, the “burden” of the journey somehow becomes lighter.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭37:4-5 tells us, “Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:” 

My prayer today is that the Lord’s desire for our lives becomes our own. May the Lord transform and give you the desires of your heart.


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