I Got Mad


The other day I got mad.

I don’t get mad much, so when I do it really throws me off. For me, it’s usually reserved for people I’m related to, and doesn’t last long. I’m able to work through it pretty quickly. 

But yesterday it wasn’t my family, and it clung to me for hours. I think part of it was the realization, or a remembrance really, that not everyone is for us. Not everyone is for the people we love. Not everything that is important to us ranks the same for others.

There are people who will whisper in another’s ear in order to change their view of who we are. Please understand that’s not really about me or you. The problem lies with the person or people. Often they try to change our view of ourselves to fit what they want it to be— to fit what makes them most comfortable.

What I am working through is the fact that the only thing that truly matters—the only person who truly matters is our Creator. When He tells us who we are, it’s important that we believe Him. We must believe, because that is the knowledge that will enable us to carry out the work He has set before us. 

It doesn’t matter if others don’t see it. It's irrelevant if they don’t believe it. It’s not for them. 

I believe I am at the point in my life the Lord is making clear where I should be and who I should be surrounded by. He may be doing the same thing for you. 

Have you found yourself going back to people and places God didn’t call you to? Or maybe your time with them or in that place was temporary and you overstayed your welcome?

Maybe today is the reminder you need, that you are enough. It doesn’t matter what they’ve said to you or about you. The Lord has the final say. Be who He’s called you to be. Do what He’s called you to do. 

Don’t you dare let anyone make you feel like you can’t.

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of   darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Peter 2:9 

He is for us.


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