Should Someone Call an Exorcist?

Last Friday I went bowling with some of my family. I am aware of my low skill level, so I remained humble throughout the first game, and surprisingly finished in 1st place! 

The second game began and I just knew I would dominate even more. I may not have been quite as humble. I was last on the list to go. I stood up and approached my ball with confidence. I picked it up, set my eye on the center arrow painted on the lane, then took a few quick steps forward just as I had before. 

As I took my last step, I swung my arm backward, then forward, and fell flat on my face. Actually, flat is not entirely accurate. I’m pretty sure every one of my limbs flew in a different direction, and the position of my head may have had folks wondering if they should call an exorcist. I also seemed to be temporarily blinded from the fall but could hear my ball bouncing its way down the lane.

Let’s pause for a moment of prayer.

The problem was that I had stepped over the foul line into the lane— 1. Not realizing I had done it. 2. Not knowing the lane was well oiled, causing the slipping and sliding of my body.

After finally finding my way off of the ground, recovering from the shock, and laying my eyes upon my daughters, my sister, and my brother-in-law all hysterically laughing in their seats, (none of whom asked if I was okay) I myself, began to laugh hysterically.

“How did that happen? I’ve got oil all over me. I didn’t know there was oil there. Why is there oil there? Did anyone else see that happen?” The more I talked, the more they laughed. We eventually collected ourselves and continued the game, but by the end of it, I was in last place. The fall had knocked me off my game. Literally.

My sister, who knows me well told me she was sure I could find a spiritual application for my experience. 

Here’s what I came up with:

It’s important not to cross the boundary lines our Creator has given us or we will find our lives going out of control, and in all different directions. Stay humble, stay aware of the hidden dangers, and if you fall, get back up and try again.

“For though a righteous man falls seven times, he will rise again, but the wicked stumble into calamity.” Proverbs 24:16


  1. I am laughing with you!! Mainly because I can guarantee I’m a much worse bowler than you! In college, we had to take a PE class. I chose bowling. While I never fell, I proved once and for all that I am a dismal failure at bowling! We had a guy in the class that was blind who consistently scored higher than me! I haven’t yet figured out the spiritual implication of that one!!! 🤣

    1. Oh that is hilarious Becky!!! I also took bowling in college too, and loved it, but it was never my gift. Ha ha!


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