Is God Good?

My Dad took this picture on September 8, 2015, at the exact moment I looked into Isaiah’s eyes that night. It was then that I asked nurse Bob to check his eyes because “something wasn’t right.” 

If I hadn’t been prompted by what I can only guess was the Spirit of God, to check Isaiah’s eyes, I believe he would have died. Isaiah was unresponsive at this point, and I didn’t have any medical training, so I had no real reason to do such a thing. I believe this moment captured, was the very moment God set His plan into motion. Although it is difficult to look at this picture, as it brings up many unpleasant emotions, it also reminds me that God was in this from moment one. It reminds me that even when life is hard, we must remember that God has already gone before us.

I am thankful for, although seemingly small, powerful reminders of how God cares for us.

"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. ”So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:30-31

He’s got this.

I am hyper-aware of what God has done for us. I can’t help but think of families and friends out there whose loved ones didn’t make it—Who God didn’t “raise” from nearly dead. I am the woman whose son’s life was spared when so many other Mother’s son’s lives were not. In the past, I have felt guilty, but I know that this is my story. It is my situation. Everyone has their own. Each one has the potential of bringing God glory in its own unique way.

I heard a woman speak about her struggle with infertility. She said, “The question wasn’t, ‘is God good?’ I already knew that He was good. The question really was, ‘Is He good to me?’ “

She knew that God was good, because the Bible told her so, and she’d seen evidence of His goodness. Just not in her life at the time. She was angry at God, but through that anger, was finally able to acknowledge her sadness. It is in that place where she was able to begin healing and shed the anger.

If you are struggling to see God’s goodness in your situation, know I am praying for you at this very moment asking Him to give you eyes to see and know He is working for your good and His glory. 

The Lord cherishes you and He is for you.



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