Last night, I found this picture of my son Isaiah on the day he decided to give his life to Christ. 


In my book “When God Changed His Mind, I explain how I believed Isaiah would die at a young age. So on September 8, when things looked grim. I prepared for the worst, including planning his funeral in my mind. Yet I still begged God to spare his life, and “change His mind.” 


And He did.


I no longer have that feeling. It disappeared the night God saved Isaiah. Everything changed. I believe that September 8th was the day the old Isaiah died, and a new one was born with a higher purpose. 


“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17


When I look back, I realize that the night of September 8 was a kind of rebirth for both of us. That night changed the trajectory of our lives forever.


“For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives.” Romans 6:4


As I was saying goodnight to Isaiah later that night after he was baptized, he told me how emotional and amazing he had felt all day. He asked what it felt like when Ozzy and I were under the water when we got baptized.  I told him that I couldn’t remember (I was 10).  He said, "Well I'm never going to forget, for the rest of my life.  When I went under it felt like a river rushing and God's spirit went into my heart."  I said, You actually felt the Holy Spirit enter your heart?  He said, "Yes, and it's a story I'm going to tell my children, and they are going to tell their children, and they are going to tell their children…" 


It brings me such joy to share with you that we are not the only ones who can have a new life in Christ. It’s not only a chosen few who are granted access to such goodness. It’s for everyone. If you’ve heard our story and wondered how we got through it, the answer is JESUS. That’s it. He’s our access to the Big Guy. He’s our ticket to the peace that passes all understanding. The Creator has invited every one of us in. 


Yes. You too.


And He won’t change His mind.


He is for you.


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