Approval Can Be Addicting

Seeking the approval of other humans has been messing us up since the beginning of time.

It can start when we are very young. If we don’t get what we need, it can become something we seek excessively. It often carries over into adulthood, presenting as very unhealthy habits.

Sometimes we get ourselves in trouble because we’ve tried to impress others. Maybe it’s more house than we can afford, a less than authentic social media profile, gossiping about someone, doing something we’d never do if others weren’t watching. . .

“Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.” -‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1:10

Many of us have dealt with rejection. Maybe it happened a long time ago. Perhaps it’s been more recent. Regardless of when it happened, it hurts and is difficult to get over. Regardless of where it comes from, it makes us question our value. It makes us shrink back. It’s hard to see rejection as an alternative path leading us back to our Creator—leading us to freedom, but it can be.

I find it helpful to focus on the One who never has and never will reject us. He can’t physically wrap His arms around us when we are hurting, but He usually sends someone who can. The hurt is often so deep, it blinds us so we can’t recognize when a person or situation is showing us that we are indeed wanted, accepted, and loved.

God sees the bigger picture. He has all the pieces we can’t see. It may be difficult to understand. It may seem unfair, but some people aren’t meant to walk the whole journey with us. We each have a calling, a destiny—not every person in our lives will meet us there. Can we trust God and let them go? What if you looked at rejection as God’s protection? What if you could see that your setback may just be a setup for greater things to come?

Know today that you are of great value to our Creator. He is rearranging the universe to work things for your good and HIs glory.

Stand tall today, trusting in the acceptance of the One who loves you most.

The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” -Psalm 118:22


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