Right or almost right?

Yesterday I was pulling up weeds in my “garden.” The area I call my garden used to be an actual garden full of vegetables and such. Years ago I took great care in fertilizing the soil with compost and even transplanted some worms into the mix. Since then, after I let it go, the soil had been fully supporting and nourishing various kinds of weeds that found their way into those boxes, until yesterday. As I pulled up the weeds, I noticed how some of the weeds don’t look like weeds. Some of them produce beautiful little flowers. Some of them look like a tomato might grow on them at any moment. Some produce beautiful leaves that could complement a wedding bouquet. Some of those weeds are so plant or flower-like, and attractive, you almost hate to pull them up. But, the truth is, they are weeds and will choke the life out of the plant you actually want to grow, and possibly get nourishment from. It’s important to know the difference between the plants and the weeds. If you nourish the wrong one, you could end up killing the one meant to give you life. Charles Spurgeon said, “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right. In this world of Instagrammable, tweetable, and postable quotes, it’s easy to get caught up in really clever words that seem right. They sound good, and they seem to nourish our souls, but many of them are not right. They are almost right. Nourishing what is almost right, can end up choking out the truth, leading us down a very wrong path. I don’t know about you, but I want absolute truth in my life. When I meet my Creator, I don’t want to hear that I almost got it right. That’s why it’s important to stay rooted in God’s Word. His Word where you can find the truth. Yank out the “weeds” in your life that may be beautiful, yet untrue. If you are struggling to identify the weeds, ask God to give you discernment in that area of your life. It will make all the difference. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” -Colossians‬ ‭2:8‬ ‭


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