Vengeance is Mine

Humans fail us every single day, whether they intend to or not. That’s why it can be so hard to give everything we are to our Creator. Our hearts and minds have a difficult time not assigning human values and characteristics to God.
When feeling bad about yourself and maybe even some of your failures, you can be sure God is still trying to draw you into His arms with an unfailing love. He is a loving Father.

There are still natural consequences to our sin, but no matter how many times we leave Him, God will continue to bring us back into His fold over and over again. Nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:38-39).

Though we know there are always consequences, it gets difficult to continue without the “reward” of seeing someone who has harmed us, or a loved one, get what we think they deserve.

It’s difficult to remember that God loves the person who did you wrong just as much as He loves you. Because He loves them, He will handle their consequences in the way only an all knowing, wise Heavenly Father could. We must hand over our vengeful spirits to Him, trusting He knows the best way to handle things.

“Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God. For the Scriptures say, “I will take revenge; I will pay them back,” says the LORD.” Romans 12:19

God created us because He wants a relationship with each one of us. When we do something wrong, He doesn’t get mad and give us the silent treatment. He doesn’t wait for the perfect time to get back at us when we have wronged Him. Those are the kinds of things we do to each other, though God doesn’t want that for us. He wants forgiveness.

We humans struggle to value the lives of others we feel are not worthy of the life they’ve been given. God values us, and His deepest desire is for us to be in Heaven with Him one day. That’s why He meets each of us where we are and according to our needs. It’s not our business how He chooses to do that for other people. It’s our business to trust Him and let Him be God.

I know it’s hard. Especially today.

I pray that you go about your day, living in the truth of your Creator’s love for you, and sharing that same love (and forgiveness) with others.


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