
The other day I was reminded of an experience I had at the beach a couple of years ago.

You see, the beach is not my favorite. I prefer the mountains, but I was asked to be a chaperone for the teens of my church, so I agreed to go. I approached the trip as I do many things in life that I don’t enjoy, but still have to do.

I endured.

I sat in the middle of that beach, in one spot for around 4 hours. I did not move. I just sat there, enduring this place I was in, hoping the time would pass quickly. I did not protect myself in any kind of way from the elements. Since I have brown skin, the sun has never really been an issue for me. Though I should have, I never used sunscreen when spending time outside. Brown-skinned people tend to be a bit more protected than those who are fair-skinned.

But we are not totally immune to damage.

I did my time, then headed back to the car. Once in the cool, air-conditioned car, I felt some discomfort around my chest and shoulders. I also felt a little bit nauseous. I looked in the mirror and noticed my skin did not look to be its usual golden brown. It was red and splotchy. It hurt to touch. I couldn’t believe it.

I was sunburned.

Today, as I think about it, I realize there are many circumstances I have found myself in, that are undesirable. Instead of dealing with them head-on, I get into endurance mode and sit in it, which for me usually means mental paralysis. I don’t address it, I don’t try to make it better, I just sit and endure, hoping it passes quickly.

As Christ-followers we are not called to simply endure. We are called to stay alert and stand up against the enemy. When we sit paralyzed, it’s prime time for the enemy to come and do damage in our lives. When we don’t act, we give him free rein over our lives and may find ourselves burned. Remember, he comes to steal, kill, and destroy. We can’t afford to sit paralyzed.

“ Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil.” Eph. 6:10-11

Trust that God will give you the strength to face all that is put in front of you. He will never leave you.

You can do this.


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