Be Patient With Each Other

It just keeps coming, doesn’t it? So many issues piling up from day to day. Though there is a lot to deal with, many of us have taken on burdens that are absolutely not our responsibility... Especially how our “neighbor” lives, believes, votes, acts, etc. 

There’s something I need to be reminded of often, and you might too. We are not called to make sure everyone else is godly. We are called to make sure we are living godly lives. The best testimony is how we live, and that our words mirror our lives. The best we can do today as Christ-followers is to truly seek to live the way Jesus did. Take a look at His word and see how He treated people, even those who were not living the way God intended. He loved them into the Kingdom. He never shamed them.

“Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. Don’t worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes.” Psalm 37:7

Yes, we know there are people out there who are not living the way they should, but like I said yesterday... God is handling that. Let’s focus on how we can actively and authentically love, remembering we may be the only Jesus a person may see.

Nothing going on today is a surprise to our Creator. He has a plan for all of it. 

It’s us. We are part of His plan. We can change the world.

And the great thing is, He is walking with us through it all. All we have to do is acknowledge Him, take His hand, and allow Him to lead. He has shown each one of us such grace. I pray we can learn to do the same for each other. Believe me when I say, I am still working on this. Sometimes it’s easier to show grace to some over others, but if we are to be like Christ, we’ve got to be equal opportunity givers of grace. 

John 16:33 says, "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

That gives me such comfort. He’s got all of this covered. He knew it would be hard. He knew we would struggle, so He came as our hope and salvation.

Will you make that commitment with me to authentically walk with Christ today?


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