The Good News

There are lots of scary things going on in the world right now.

It’s hard to know where to go, and when to go there. Should I say yes or no? Stay or go? Move forward or step back? Speak or stay quiet? We have a lot of decisions to make daily.

There are times when I have no idea what to do, and have a minor panic attack until I remember. . . . Oh yeah, I forgot to talk to my Heavenly Father about it. Once I have prayed about it I tend to find the wisdom and strength to do what I need to do.

Recently, it has been to share my feelings on being a woman of color in a racially charged country. For a while, it felt easier and safer to sit back and remain silent. Besides, I already shared a ton a year ago. I mean, some of my thoughts were even published in a book. Didn’t I say enough? Maybe if I stay quiet, and live life blissfully ignorant of all that’s going on, I will be okay.

Nope. That’s not safe either. I felt like I was going to implode within my swirling emotions. My heart was racing, and I was crying at the drop of a hat. I realized (or maybe God gave me a loving smack) that it was time once again to address the sadness and trauma that has become a part of so many lives of those with brown skin. I know we’re not the only ones, but right now, that is what I am being called to address.

It scares me because I know I am opening myself up for disapproval, misunderstanding, attack, and even rejection. Nobody wants any of that. Even more so, I fear being disappointed by people I thought cared for me and people who look like me or sound like me, but finding I was wrong.

Here’s the thing though. None of that matters. We’ve got to do what God calls His people to do. It’s about sharing the Gospel. Gospel means good news. The good news is that we have a loving Savior who died on a cross for every single one of our sins. The good news is that we are free to love each other regardless of race, religion, gender, political party, or any other way we may be different. Jesus gave us the freedom to love the way He does. We can’t go wrong when love comes first.

The good news is that I don’t have to fear any of these difficult situations, because my Creator told me I will not be burned by any of it. I can do what He’s asked me to do, because He’s got every inch of my back.

He’s got yours too. Let’s do this.


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