What Would He Do?

I have intentionally been avoiding the news coverage on the Derek Chauvin trial.

I was gutted last year when I saw the video of that police officer kneeling on George Floyd’s neck and watched the life leave his body.

It was traumatizing.

I am a mother of a black son, so when I hear or see stories like that, I cannot help but see my son’s face in place of the victim’s. It’s like a gut punch every time. So, as the trial began, I just pretended it wasn’t happening. I don’t know what the media is saying, I don’t know what my friends think, and my heart cannot take the pain.

However, when I was sitting in the hospital yesterday, visiting my dad after surgery, I looked up at the TV screen and saw it. Ugh! The trial. I didn’t turn away. I thought maybe I would try to watch for a minute. Not long after my eyes hit the screen, I saw the footage. My stomach immediately began to hurt and I felt nauseous. 

I still can’t do it. It still hurts.

What I choose to focus on during these days, is how we can see each other with the eyes of Christ. Remember when we used to ask “What would Jesus do?” Now we tend to laugh and roll our eyes at the cliche of a statement that came to be, but really, what would He do? How would He act or feel during this time of racial unrest? What would He have done if He was in Derek Chauvin’s place that day? What if He was in the crowd watching? What if He were in your place? 

Maybe you are thinking it’s not that simple. But really it is. If we claim to be Christ-followers, then the concept is simple. Do what Jesus would do. Treat others how He would treat them. Love the way He loved. . . Even from afar.

What would our country or world look like if we acted like the One we claim to follow? How would we view the people we look down on? Oh, but they sin like this, or talk like that, or look like them. 

What would Jesus do?

We’ve got to leave our pride at the cross. If our words, thoughts, or actions toward others aren’t Jesus filtered, then we have some heart work to do. 

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good. Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Take the lead in honoring one another.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:9-10‬


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