The Days of Our Youth

Over a long weekend, I was blessed to spend time with two long-time friends from my hometown of San Diego. I needed the break, but I also needed the perspective. There’s something about going back to where you came from that helps you figure out who and where you are in life. Talking with my friends shed some light on my past and theirs. We realized we had been learning from each other for well over 30 years and continued to do so during our time together. I bet if many of us go back down memory lane to the days of our youth, we will find that we can learn new things all over again or simply from a new perspective.

I think most of us older folks can agree that we are grateful no one had portable, mini video cameras when we were growing up.

“Do not remember the rebellious sins of my youth. Remember me in the light of your unfailing love, for you are merciful, O Lord.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭25:7‬ 

This week I will dive into some of the lessons I learned during my trip. I hope you are all well. I thank you for praying for me, and I will continue to pray for you.


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