Do it Afraid.
I’ve learned that the fear I have concerning my success or failure may often be self-centered. If I believe the Lord has created me for something specific; If I believe He has called me to whatever that thing is, then what is stopping me from doing it? Me. The Lord has created every single one of us for something great. The degree of “great” varies.” Whatever He’s called me to is specifically for me. Whatever He’s called you to is specifically for you. It may look a little like this person’s or that person’s, but it’s not. He has a plan designed for each of His creations individually. I don’t know about you, but that makes me feel pretty special. When out of fear, we hold back from being who He’s created us to be, we put ourselves before Him and what He’s asked us to do. He will always give us what we need to complete the task, so what’s the problem? When I think of it like that, it gives me so much more courage to move forward. It’s not about me. It’s all about Him and His perfec...