While We Wait

Oh, friend, I know how hard it is. I am with you. You think you know what He said, and then it doesn’t happen. Or it happens, and then it’s snatched away. Even today I sit in the confusion of it all. But what I’m not confused about is that God is good. All the time. It doesn’t matter what we face. It doesn’t matter what things look like, He is a Romans 8:28 God. He will work it out for good in His perfect time. It is oh so difficult not to stick our hands in it, but if we trust Him like we say we do, we’ll sit back and watch Him work. Even if seems like it’s taking FOR-E-VER. He is more creative than we will ever be. He’s got this. He’s got you. He is for you.

Lord help us keep our eyes open to the things you are doing while we wait. Give us a glimpse of what you see and fill us with your perfect peace. In Jesus’ name. Amen.



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