It Wasn't a Conference Call

Once in a while, I need a pep talk which often leads me to give you one as well.

There are many of you experiencing difficulties with humans. ;) You are trying to be the person God called you to be and are probably succeeding. But then someone comes along and makes you doubt it. They may even be sneaky about it. They make you think you are not good enough, or worthy.

And for a moment you believe them.

Let me remind you. You have been chosen. Walk in the truth of God’s word to you. No one else is supposed to understand your calling. It wasn’t a conference call.

I’ve realized that there are people who do their best to tear down but aren’t even always aware they are doing so. They may believe or at least proclaim they are doing what’s right. Remember “...the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” And sometimes he uses good people to do it.

Remember who the real enemy is (and maybe remind me when I forget).

I also want to remind you (as I also remind myself) to check yourself (before you wreck yourself). Have you fallen into the trap of focusing on what someone else does or says, feeling the need to talk it out and let others know that you are not like “them?” 

Yeah, me too.

Let’s take a collective deep breath and remember who God says we are.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” -Ephesians 2:10

Cling to that. He is for you. That’s really all we need to know.


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