No Room in Love For Fear

“There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” ‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:18‬ 

I’ve been contemplating this scripture. 

Looking at this verse as well as the verses before and after it, I believe it’s saying that if you are in the Lord, and understand His perfect love for you, there is no reason to fear judgment or punishment when loving others the way we should. 

How many times have we not loved someone/people enough to stand up for what’s right? How many times have we not said something when we should have? How many times have we held back our opinion because we didn’t want to be subjected to the judgment of others?

We say we love this or that person, but have we shown that to be true?

When I think of how much the Lord loves us—what He sacrificed so that one day we could live in His presence. . . I stand in awe. Why is it often so hard to give so little? It is time for us to look deep inside at the condition of our hearts. Then, take time to look outside of ourselves and make the decision to give. Ask the Lord what He is asking of you. Does He ask you to give your time, your presence, your money? Is He asking you to give up some of your "rights" for the good of others?

What does this scripture mean to you? What does it say to your heart?


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